Accounts Receivable
SZUXNOP Students excluded from for Non-Payment Drop
TZRONBV Transfer a students’ book voucher csv file uploaded to Banner student directory to Follett.
SZUDELI Extract students’ outstanding balance by delinquent codes and send to onplanu
TZRPTSD Part of Term with Student Detail Code Report
TZUCARI Reset a student's SFBETRM_AR_IND based on a population selection, term and previous value for SFBETRM_AR_IND
TZUOPPY Provide an interface for Admissions applicants to submit fee payments through ONPLANU
TZUPARS Utility to parse student bills into the format that students can view from Cougar Connect
TZUSFND Switch Payroll Fund
TZUCBIL Upload Student Bills onto OnPlanU Server.
TZUDDBK Create Direct Deposit Book Vouchers For Eligible Students