Benefits of the African-American Male Resource Center

“ The mere imparting of information is not education. Above all things, the effort must result in making a man think and do for himself.”

These words, live to inform the philosophy and mission of the African-American Male Resource Center (AAMRC) here at CSU. As a space dedicated to the cultural, educational, and personal development of all its participants, the AAMRC prides itself in facilitating services and programs that enlighten, educate, and empower the “whole student.” Its largest program, Teaching & Educating Men of Black Origin (TEMBO), aims to achieve this type of holistic education.

As an all-inclusive male leadership program that focuses on the pillars of cultural identity development, healthy masculinity construction, and soft-skill building, TEMBO utilizes healing circles, critical race lectures, and collaborative community projects to re-conceptualize the meaning of a quality education. Through our lens, the primary learning outcome of this education is not a college degree or high paying job, but a sustained knowledge rooted in cultural heritage, moral direction, and personal destiny.

The AAMRC also offers other programming associated with graduate school preparation, financial education, and the Thurgood Marshall College Fund—the nation’s largest scholarship organization solely representing the Black college community. With more than a dozen computers, printing services, job and internship postings, campus research opportunities, and a working library for students to rent textbooks, on-campus students use the AAMRC as a space to study and congregate. However, during this virtual period, you can follow the Center on Instagram at AAMRCxTEMBO for updates on programming, scholarship opportunities, CSU’s 2021 Black History Month calendar of events, and more!
