Statement From Interim President: Dr. Rachel W. Lindsey

Interim President Dr. Rachel W. Lindsey

Interim President

DR. Rachel W. Lindsey

Chicago State University is primarily a commuter university. Consequently, the vast majority or more than 90 percent of our students do not live on campus. Nonetheless, the welfare of all our students is our foremost concern. Their safety, comfort, and ability to have access to the education to which they are entitled comes first.

As such, when it became clear that heat and hot water would not be working in either the Residence Hall or the Student Union Building, we immediately made plans to provide our residential students with warm, safe accommodations. Because this occurred over the weekend, we were able to ensure that students did not lose any class time. We further arranged for students to be transported by shuttle service to and from campus and for students to have hot meals at their hotel as well as on campus. Our intention is to continue to provide students with off-site housing until the problem
is resolved and to avoid any further disruption of their education during these final weeks of the semester.

The pipe damage that we are addressing concerns old pipes that are underground. While we do not know the extent of the damage or how long the repairs will take, we are asking contractors to work expeditiously to return both buildings to their normal statuses as soon as possible.

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